We first set up one window as a prototype for our system.
The prototype setup which includes a single NeoPixel strip conncected to an Arduino.
The illuminated LED strip from the inside view.
The illuminated window an outside view.
Another image of the illuminated window.
The Process
We connected two windows to test the setup and used breadboards fot he wiring.
The two window setup.
Wiring and Building
It was this stage that proved to be most troublesome. We were all amateurs, if not total newbies when it comes to electronics and how to properly configure each component. Because of our inexperience, we were able to learn many new skills while working on project Simdow. We underestimated the time and difficulty of our original plan and was forced to scale down the project (for now) which still left us plenty to do (and troubleshoot)!! A completed three window connection.
The three window chain from outside.
The three window chain from outside again.
The three window chain from outside in landscape view.