Escape from the Zoo

A mini-RPG by Kaelan Doyle Myerscough and Darius Bopp

Escape from the Zoo is a mini-RPG designed in Unity and controlled with a Microsoft Kinect. In this game, you control four animals - Penguin, Rhino, Gecko and Frog - as they navigate the confines of their dilapidated zoo, find the keys the zookeeper has conspicuously left in their pens, and interact with their friends. Each animal is controlled with Kinect gestures that mimic that animal's real movements: you can waddle as Penguin, crawl across the floor as Gecko, jump with Frog and charge with Rhino. Fun dialogue and a colorful atmosphere create a flippant, humorous tone to the game.

This project was developed as part of an IAP workshop titled "Learn to Build Your Own Videogame with the Unity Game Engine and Microsoft Kinect," run by Kyle Keane and Mark Vrablic, in January 2017.

Darius Bopp: software design, interaction design, programming
Kaelan Doyle Myerscough: location design, writing, interaction design